Written by Emma Burton - League Chair
Welcome to our first newsletter for the SWMSL. To all of those currently involved thank you for your support in a fabulous start to the season and to those of you considering joining us, we look forward to hearing from you.
League Update
What a fantastic start to the SWMSL this season. Firstly, our thanks must go to Lyndon Taylor from Wilts FA in supporting the rebuilding of our local league, he has worked tirelessly to get the league up and running. With a total of 27 mixed teams playing across four age groups, U7, U8, U9 & U10 and over 140 games played so far, it has made for a great foundation to build on and most of all – the players are having fun.
With so much passion for keeping mini-soccer local and now with the ever-increasing costs of living it is even more important to focus on the future of our league. In January we will be opening books to gauge interest for future teams to join us for the 23/24 season ahead, where our U10’s will form an U11’s age group to continue the growth of the league.
When the discussion started about the continuing of the SWMSL several options were looked into, including the use of Sarum Academy as a central venue. But, following on from a well-attended meeting, it was decided to do things a little differently. As always development fixtures would be played home and away, along with a couple of trophy events for good measure, but this January will see the introduction and trial of small side football events and an introduction to Futsal. Being based at Sarum Academy on the 4G – all Weather pitch and the use of the indoor sports hall, we hope that we can keep children participating and smiling over the January period, rather than games being cancelled due to poor weather and pitch conditions. In February we will then return to further development fixtures and in May hold an end of season celebration trophy event.
To register your interest for the 23/24 season please email: secretaryswmsl@gmail.com

Introduction of Committee
Chairperson & League Welfare Officer – Emma Burton, Emma has been involved in youth Football for the last 12 years, mainly in a child welfare officer role and recently has taking up the secretary role at Alderbury FC.
Secretary & Treasurer – Lyndon Taylor, Lyndon works for Wilts FA in Football Development and specialises in disability football pathways, he is also manager for the current U11’s team at Downton FC.
Committee Members/Representatives – Dan Molland (Alderbury & BHH), Stuart Lindsay (BHH), Stuart Garnett (Wessex Futsal), Giles Lewis (Salisbury FC) & Luke Perryman (Amesbury FC)
The main aims of the Committee are to work on keeping youth football local, work towards being an England Football Accredited League and to also start a female pathway for football locally.
If you would like to be a part of our committee then please do not hesitate to contact Lyndon at the email address above.
Female Football
How does a South Wiltshire Female Football League sound to you?
What an incredible football boom there is for female football following on from our Lionesses winning the Euros this year which is growing in our local area, with Amesbury, Alderbury, Clarendon, Downton, Durrington, Hotspire FC & Salisbury FC all now providing football for females – wouldn’t it be great if we could build a league locally for the upcoming 23/24 season.
If you are involved with a female team and would like to play games and trophy events locally, please get in touch. We are building a database of female teams with the potential of a trophy event very soon.
Please email your interest to chairswmsl@gmail.com
Launch of New Website
Once again Lyndon has been hard at work building a new website to show case all that the SWMSL has to offer – we hope to see this launched in early 2023 but for now, why don’t you pop along and start following us on Twitter at @SWMSL or come over to Facebook (South Wilts Mini Soccer League) where you will find our new page to keep you updated with all our information.
As with all leagues and teams we are supporting the England Football Respect campaign to encourage positive engagement, more details can be found at the link below:
From all involved with the SMWSL we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year and we look forward to bringing you more news in the not-too-distant future.